Look at the color combi of the stewardess uniform below. Fantastic, oui? I would say, the color scheme is superlatively masculinesque! Even the lady's face looks tough, and despite the lighting the smile looks dangerous mon cheri! Hmmph! Better angle next time, mon amour.

And what does this light, pastel uniform colors prove, hmm? Nothing. It's the service d' luxe that is tres important,
Now Chinese are fond of Red, rouge! Ummm... these ones really look good. Although moi is wondering if these ladies are on sit down strike! They have the best colored 2011 airline fashion, look like they're having fun but don't seem to be in their planes working!

This one likes to pose occasionellement! hmmm... perhaps ma chère, she is a célébrité in her own right, hmm? Magnifique!
Pastel Pastel Pastel!v Lavender is a Royale Coleur. But this airline fashion not much the Lavender scheme is tres important! There is little textile but more la peau -- see the tan all over, mon cheri? Skin! La peau très lisse, smooth skin.
You can only of course touch the Lavender design and feel it. Not the la peau, mind you!

Red the coleur of life is supposed to make everyone gay, happy! Why are these ladies not all in the mood to smile? Hmmph!

You want to fly executive? Prepare to land in the lap of Nirvana. Incidentally, Nirvana has a sister. Her name is Shangri-la. Hmmm?

China has a lot of ready to wear airline fashion. Good one this, good subdued l'accent. Mind you. My eyes got tired looking at this design. They should make them bigger.

The Indians and Thais, Malays and Indons don't want to get beaten by China though.

This Western airline fashion design is free! Reminds me of Nui Aquine, President of Philippine! The yellow man in a yellow campaign shirt.

Again naturellement deep blue is airline business. But a shade of la peau in the chest is uhmmm, good to the eyes!

Hongkong has bad airline fashion taste! But it's not the design they're selling. It's the idol. I know her name and her telephone number. Text me at +639212261619, oui?

I told you so. But wait, this girls' picture was taken in Tokyo! Japan of course is also into the same thing.
Silver theme, what a coleur! I would not hesitate to use this in my own design if all my stewardesses will look like her.

Another minimal design, less textile, more peau.
Korea also likes to invent.

Here we are again for pastel coleur. Good, non?

Pastel tres chic, oui?

The designer forgot his design, he improvised. Or was it a she?

Now this one caused the earthquake in Japan when 10002 aircraft crashed after seeing her on online video from Japan's Air Traffic Control Tower. The crashes caused a tidal wave and a huge tremor magnitude 10 and destroyed the Fukushima Nuclear Plant. Horrible~~~~~

The Philippine fashion in airline is the worst. Look at this homme, he is posing to be on strike, in protest. And he is holding a torch. But protesting with a smiley smiley! Mon cheri, baad, baad.

Ma bonne vieille here is an airline worker? What kind of fashion is that to wear in a protest? Maybe she is just pretend. Quelle horreur!!!

Look at them with poverty shirt and pants! Who will believe their complaint?

Bad fashion altogether, and bad move Philippin. US, Europe, China, Japan, Korea, all good, my thumbs up!!!
Philippin bad airline fashion.

Do you take that to airline? Is that storming of the Bastille?

Fashion out of place, out of date. Bad taste, mon cheri,

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